Dr. Carina Laura Steiner
Lecturer at PHBern and University of Bern
Research interests:
Affective and cognitive factors in language variation and change, sociophonetics
Swiss German, diglossia, pluricentricity
Language Learning, multilingualism and school
Individual differences in second language acquisition, language aptitude
OSF | ORCID | SDATS | dialektatlas.ch | PHBern
11/24: Dialäktatlas published
info + download: www.dialäktatlas.ch
09/23: Thesis uploaded to ZORA ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ
08/23: C'est le [x] qui fait les Suisses! - Paper on Swiss Standard German won the Best Student Paper Award @Interspeech 2024 in Dublin ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬
Past Events
09/24 Alemann:innentagung; 04/24 Forum for Germanic Language Studies; 01/24 Valais en recherches; 09/23 P&P19; 09/2023 Scientifica; 08/23 ICPhS, 08/23 Interspeech, 06/23 8x8'; 05/23 SozPersp, 03/23 ALP; 11/22 Languages and Lives in Deaf Communities; 11/22 Tag der Schweizer Linguistik; 10/22 20. Arbeitstagung zur alemannischen Dialektologie; 08/22 Methods XVII 07/22 IGDD; 07/22 SS24; 04/22 ICLaVE; 04/22 Workshop Kinderuni 11/21 Taal & Tongval; 11/21 Challenging Borders; 10/21 NVAW49; 09/21 P&P17; 09/21 BeLing; 08/21 IAFPA2021; 06/21 e-SS23; 04/21 FZS2020; 03/21 MVC21; 02/21 BeLing Resarch Colloquium; 02/21 AISV2020; 12/20 ALS Conference 2020; 12/20 University of Jena; 11/20 University of Marburg; 11/20 Tage der Schweizer Linguistik; 10/20 Symposium on Multimodal Im/politeness; 09/20 P&P 2020; 08/20 CSLS Summer School for Sociolinguistics; 06/20 5th SwissText & 16th KONVENS; 01/20 Bohrproben aus dem WBKolleg